March 31, 2013

22 of 65

St. Patrick’s Day 2003

They say that if you don’t like the weather in Colorado, just wait an hour and it will change. How could anyone not like our weather?

From 1993 until 2005, our family lived in the mountains Northwest of Idaho Springs. On Sunday evening, March 16, 2003, we watched the TV weather report. Dave Fraser, the weatherman on Channel 2, said a storm was approaching and the mountains could expect 3-4 feet of snow, with more in some areas. I scoffed at the forecast and remarked that the sensationalism of television journalism had even affected the weatherman. Before we went to bed that night, I checked outside and found it cloudy, but there was no precipitation. Nevertheless, we moved one of our cars to the top of the driveway in case our road became blocked.

When we awoke there was more than a foot of snow on our deck and it was still falling. Continue reading