Transplant Update
This seems like a good time to update Paul’s progress for several reasons. First, he received the stem cell transplant one week ago. Next, I attended a high school reunion last weekend and several people asked about him. Finally, Paul is entering another very important phase of the process.
Before getting to the update, let me briefly mention the reunion. In addition to many members of our Arvada West High School Class of 1966, a few friends from other classes in the middle to late 1960s attended. I was very favorably impressed with almost everyone who was there. They are really good people and I feel honored and humbled to have known them at some time in my life. I may not wait another 45 years to attend my next reunion; I would like to see them again before 2056.
Now to Paul’s road to recovery: His blood chemistry, and especially his white blood cells have been monitored daily since the transplant. The white blood cells are now at only about 10% of their normal level. That is not a surprise because white blood cells have a fairly short life span and the mechanism that would normally create cells to replace those that die was destroyed by the chemotherapy. In order for additional white blood cells to be created, the stem cells he received in the transplant must attach to his bone marrow and start doing their work. The doctors cannot directly detect whether that has been accomplished. They can only determine that it has when his white blood cell count begins to increase again.
However, the doctors can aid the body in increasing the white cells by giving him a daily shot of Neupogen. That is the same drug I was given to greatly increase the number of my white blood cells and to pull stem cells out into my bloodstream to be collected and used for the transplant. Neupogen is referred to as a “granulocyte colony stimulating factor.” Granulocytes in this context are a type of white blood cell, the most common of which are called neutrophils. Neupogen stimulates the production of these cells, assuming that the stem cells have attached and are capable of producing them. Once neutrophils are created they only live for a few hours. Therefore, if the level of the neutrophils, as well as other white blood cells, begins to increase, it shows that the transplanted stem cells are working.
Paul is, I believe, receiving a lower dosage of Neupogen than I got before my stem cells were “harvested” because the object is not to pull stem cells out into the blood stream. It is simply to create neutrophils and other white blood cells. If all is going as it should, we should see a significant increase in those white cells – and especially neutrophils – within the next week.
Since I am not a doctor, this explanation has been simplified and is probably not technically perfect. I think it is fairly accurate, though. I will provide updates on Paul’s condition as I learn more.