April 24, 2013
46 of 65
Gifted and Talented (or Vice Versa)
Our children began their education in the Jefferson County Public School system. Michael had completed 3rd Grade and Suzanne 1st Grade before we moved to the mountains. Jefferson County was a very large district – the largest in the State of Colorado – which had established programs in most schools, beginning in elementary school, to assist students who were slow learners and to engage those who were considered gifted or talented. Both Michael and Suzanne participated in the gifted and talented program on the recommendation of their teachers.
After our move, they attended the public schools in Clear Creek County, a much smaller school district. We were pleased to find that Clear Creek had a similar program, though there it was called “Talented and Gifted” (“TAG”). Rather than relying on teacher recommendations, Clear Creek utilized a testing system to identify the students who would be asked to participate. Both kids took the test and then my wife and I had a meeting with the teacher/counselor in charge of the program.
She explained to us that the test measured students’ abilities in various areas like science and math and verbal skills. Most of those selected for the TAG program tested high in some areas, but not others. Suzanne, she said was an exception. Her scores in every area were high enough to qualify for the TAG program – a situation that was quite unusual. Continue reading