April 8, 2013

30 of 65

Healing – Part 1

Although healing may not be THE purpose of life, it is important. The word “healing” literally means to make whole. It applies in many different contexts – to take some condition or some thing that is broken or lacking and make it complete. Most commonly, it implies the restoration of complete health to a person who has suffered a disease or an injury.

I consider myself fortunate to have been healthy most of my life. When I was 9 years old, the United States – and the whole world – experienced an epidemic of what was called Asian Flu. Those most at risk were school aged children. In many parts of the country schools closed to try to prevent the transmission of the virus. Though my school, Fremont Elementary, remained open, some days there were more students home sick than were attending classes. Over a two or three week period, nearly everyone in my class caught the flu, except me. I thought I was too tough to get it, but I had simply been fortunate. Both of my brothers suffered mild cases of the flu, but I did not. I remained fortunate.

Finally, my luck ran out. Continue reading