Chapter 2 – The Wu-Wei Way

When the people of the world know beauty as beauty,
There arises the recognition of ugliness. 

When they all know good as good,
There arises the recognition of evil. 

Being and non-being produce each other;
Difficult and easy complete each other;
Long and short contrast each other;
High and low distinguish each other;
Sound and voice harmonize with each other;
Front and back follow each other. 

Therefore the sage manages affairs without action (wu-wei)
And spreads doctrines without words. 

All things arise and he does not turn away from them.
He produces them but does not take possession of them.
He acts but does not rely on his own ability.
He accomplishes his task but does not claim credit for it.
It is precisely because he does not claim credit
That his accomplishment remains with him.

This chapter again reminds us that our mind exists to make distinctions.  However, those distinctions are not as real as it would have us believe.  Rather than being opposites, high and low, short and long, front and back are really complements.

Tai Chi SymbolOne classic example to illustrate the concept is that of a magnet.  If you begin with a bar magnet, it has two poles, one of which is clearly positive and the other clearly negative.  If you cut that bar in half, two magnets will be produced, each with a positive and negative pole.  Cut each of those and there are four magnets with positive and negative poles.  No matter how small the magnet becomes, it will always have two poles.  And that’s just the way it is.

Perhaps that is what wu-wei is, also – just the way it is.  Continue reading


Chapter 1 – I’m Sorry; You Must Be Out of Your Mind

The Tao that can be told is not the Eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the Eternal Name.

Nothingness is the Origin of Heaven and Earth.
Beingness is the Mother of the Ten Thousand Things.

When you are free of desire, you will understand the Essence of your life.
When you identify with your desires, you will observe the manifestations of your life.

Both contain the deepest secrets arising from the dark unknown, the Doorway to the Mysteries of Life.

A writer named Amy Putkonen invited me to participate in a project commenting on one chapter of the Tao Te Ching each week.  Although others have engaged in similar considerations of this Chinese classic – in popular culture, Wayne Dyer is the best known – the work lends itself to so many interpretations that it should be interesting to see what may be said now by folks like me who are not Chinese scholars.

As a Taoist dilettante, I have irregularly studied the Tao Te Ching for nearly 50 years.  Perhaps this project will allow me to bring together some of my subconscious thoughts concerning the Tao, or “the Way.”  With another 80 weeks to go, and with opportunity ahead to read what others say, I will defer more general comments about the Way and look briefly at the first chapter.

On one level, these few words are a philosophically profound, poetic statement of the nature of life, the Universe and everything.  Most commentators have tried to analyze them on that level.  Since that has been done many times by those smarter and more knowledgeable than me, I would like to take a different approach. Continue reading