Chapter 12 – Fast of the Heart
The five colors make man’s eyes blind; The five notes make his ears deaf; The five tastes injure his palate;
Riding and hunting Make his mind go wild with excitement; Goods hard to come by serve to hinder his progress.
Hence the sage is for the belly Not for the eye.
Therefore he discards the one and takes the other.
It is time for Tao Te Ching Tuesday, Chapter 12. For this chapter I have set out the translation of D. C. Lau. Like most of the Tao Te Ching, Chapter 12 lends itself to several interpretations and can be commented upon from many perspectives.
One approach would be to read these words as telling us to avoid excess and live in moderation. The physical world with its sights and sounds and emphasis on the pursuit of pleasure and accumulation of physical goods deludes our human minds into thinking those things are important. The sage, though, seeks only what is necessary and does not lust after worldly pleasures that others may inappropriately value. “Take what you need and leave the rest,” as we have been told by the Band (“The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”).
Another interpretation would be to say that one who sees only the colors of the physical world may as well be blind; who hears only the sounds of this world may as well be deaf. Instead, we should bring our senses away from the exterior – bring them back within to experience the worlds beyond worlds. We should not limit ourselves.
To draw these various approaches together, it is helpful to consider again the writing of Chuang Tzu. Continue reading