Recently, my wife and I spent a few days in the San Juan Mountains of Southwestern Colorado. As we were driving back home, just about the only radio station that would come in clearly was one broadcasting from Farmington, New Mexico. I wish I had been listening more closely so I could be a little more accurate in what I am writing.
Anyway, the station broadcast a commercial for some medical healthcare providers. Since I am not 100% certain who the advertiser was, I am gong to make up a name – Four Corners Medical Partners. Although the name is fictitious, the rest of the story is true. The commercial emphasized how the staff of the Medical Partners could assist with lifestyle changes to improve a patient’s health, as well as provide necessary medical care and treatment.
The tag line of the commercial, to the best of my recollection, was:
“Remember, your good health begins with you and ends with Four Corners Medical Partners.”
I am afraid that is too often the case in the insurance-driven, profit-focused medical system that is the norm in the U.S.A.