She chose that site because I had it open to read an article about how Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennett is the most vulnerable incumbent in the country in this year’s senatorial elections. That was the thesis even though the Republicans have not only not picked an opposing candidate, they don’t even know who their potential candidates are going to be due to ongoing court proceedings concerning the validity of signatures on the candidates’ petitions. Be that as it may, here is what Darcy said, and the responses she generated (and I am not making this up):
A masterful job by Darcy of allowing an ad hominem attack practitioner to demonstrate her point. A teaching moment for sure, but like most relationships teaching is a two-way street and there has to be a learner on the other end.
Danielle Egnew makes great sense to me even after filtering out her personal new age perspective of positivity and hope engendered by rising consciousness, which I personally honor.
However… Like teaching, consciousness (or conscious awareness, or however you want to describe it) is also a two-way street – there has to be a receiver turned on for the source to be received. There is no doubt in my mind that IF the consciousness of the human collective, one person at a time, acquired more awareness of the divine feminine and other aspects of the yin-yang nature of human experience AND a more conscious awareness of the inter-relatedness of everything and everybody, THEN a manifestation of positivity and hope would have traction in the “real world.” I just ain’t feeling the power surge of an uptick of more receivers coming online. The frequency of that occurrence still seems to be manifesting at about the same ratio it always has. Granted, there may be more consciously aware people living at this moment than have ever existed before at any given time in history – but there are equally more of their opposite practicing their own lower-consciousness ways and means as well.
Just color me hoping for the best on this one.
I agree there must be a learner, but the optimist in me thinks, “you never know.” Perhaps ptm was driving to work the next day and suddenly thought, “Oh my goodness, I am guilty of a terrible logical fallacy; and that is probably the least of my sins. I need to go right now to the mosque, synagogue, church or ashram of my choice and hope they are hearing confessions this morning.”
Even if there was no epiphany for ptm, we can only hope that other readers received some educational value from his ad hominem demonstration.
As for conscious awareness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi taught that if 1% of the world’s population could achieve that state of consciousness, we would enter an era of positive, peaceful global transformation. In today’s world, that means that about 74 million people are required. Danielle Egnew may be able to bring some of those along with what you call “her personal new age perspective.” Perhaps having a cup of coffee with her video will tip someone in that direction.