The New Moon on January 22, 2023 marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Rabbit – or the Vietnamese Year of the Cat.
Why are different animals named for the same year in neighboring countries? We cannot say for certain, but there is a plausible explanation. When the animals of the Chinese zodiac were chosen, there were very few cats in China, so it is not surprising they were not included in the heavenly twelve. Sometime later, the concept of the twelve animal cycle was introduced in Vietnam, and there was an issue in the translation. The Chinese word for the zodiacal rabbit is “mǎo tu,” which sounds like the Vietnamese word for cat, which is “meo.” Both of those words sound like the “meow” hear from a cat. It would be an easy mistake to make, and one that is easy to live with.
As you probably know, the Oriental zodiac is comprised of a cycle of twelve years, each of which is represented by a different animal. The rabbit (as we will refer to the year) is the fourth of the cycle. This particular cycle has been a difficult one. It began with the Year of the Rat (2020), which brought the Covid pandemic and contentious presidential politics that ended with an assault on the United States Capitol. Those problems continued and intensified in the Year of the Ox (2021); and remained with us through the Year of the Tiger (2022), which also brought war and problems with inflation and an economic downturn.
The animals symbolize the connection of the Oriental zodiac to the Earth, but our world is also connected to the heavens. This fact is recognized by another cycle that moves through the five elements – earth, fire, wood, water and metal – which combines with the animal signs to make a longer cycle of 60 years.
In last year’s discussion of the Year of the Tiger, we said that beneath any appearance of calm there is a wild animal capable of lashing out at any moment. Indeed, only a very few weeks into the Tiger year, Vladimir Putin launched the Russian invasion into Ukraine that was the defining event of 2022, and which continues today.
Last year we also discussed the possibility of the stock market falling by up to 25%. During the year, the S & P 500 Index did drop by 25%, before rebounding slightly; and the NASDAQ performed even worse.
Can we expect any better with the Rabbit? On the surface, one would think so. The rabbit is seen as a peaceful and clever animal that brings a time of hope and prosperity. The current cycle, though, should keep us wary. Continue reading