The predictions for this Year of the Dragon are fairly lengthy, so we will post them in two parts. Part 1 looks at the economy and the presidential election in the United States. This Part 2 considers other matters that may be important in the coming year.

Before we begin this discussion, here is an executive summary of the predictions from both Parts 1and 2:


  1. The United States will see lower inflation and lower unemployment.

  1. Stocks will rise, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average moving well above 40,000.

  1. There will be no recession.

  1. Joe Biden and Donald Trump may not be the candidates for president in the November election.

  1. The candidate nominated by the Democrats, whether Joe Biden or someone else, will most likely win the presidential election. However, Grover Cleveland’s election to a non-consecutive term in a previous Dragon year shows that Mr. Trump may have a chance for an upset.

  1. There is an increased danger of flooding.

  1. Advances will be made that relate to transportation, but there will be travel disasters, such as airplane crashes and bus or shipping accidents.

  1. Like every year in the United States, there will be mass shootings, some of which may occur at schools.

  1. Progress will be made with respect to civil rights and relations between races. The progress will not be smooth, and we may see racial violence and even genocide.

  1. Expect impressive technological advances, probably in such fields as artificial intelligence, electric vehicles and space travel.

  1. The war in Ukraine will drag on, with Russia getting the worst of it

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The predictions for this Year of the Dragon are fairly lengthy, so we will post them in two parts. This Part 1 looks at the economy and the presidential election in the United States. Part 2 considers other matters that may be important in the coming year.

The Chinese (Oriental, lunar) New Year begins on February 10, 2024. Based upon a progression of years moving in a 12-year cycle – each year associated with a particular animal – this is the Year of the Dragon. The most recent Dragon year was 12 years ago, in 2012. Each year is also associated with one of the five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal and water – and this is going to be a wood year. It is the Year of the Wood Dragon. Combining those two cycles, one sees that the Year of the Wood Dragon repeats every 60 years (12 x 5). The most recent Year of the Wood Dragon was 1964.

What will this new year bring? That is always an interesting question. In this post we will make some predictions, and then see what really happens. These predictions are not based on astrology or psychic abilities; they are based on analyzing cycles. Assuming that there is a basis for the cycles that are recognized in Chinese astrology, it should be possible to look at what has occurred in similar past years and extrapolate what may be coming in the future. That is the approach we are taking here.

You may wonder how accurate this method of predicting has been. Well, the track record is pretty good. Last year – the Year of the Rabbit – began with almost every economist and pundit predicting a recession and a bad year for the stock market. Looking at the cycles, though, we said that there would not be a recession and that the Dow Jones Industrial Average could reach an all-time high. Both of those things came to pass.

We also warned that Turkey and Ecuador were prone to major earthquakes. Well a devastating earthquake, measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, struck in Turkey only days after the Year of the Rabbit began, causing some 60,000 deaths and incredible damage. Only a month later, a strong earthquake measuring 6.8 was experienced in Ecuador. It caused extensive damage, but only a few deaths.

Other predictions were also accurate, but we should turn now to the predictions for the coming year.  Here is an executive summary of all the predictions:

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Back in the 1960s, folk singer Len Chandler wrote a song called “Time of the Tiger” (there is a link to that song at the end of this post). It begins: “This is the time of the tiger/Here alone as he lays with the lamb/The tiger’s just flexing his muscles/The tiger’s just licking his fangs.”

That may be a good metaphor for the upcoming Year of the Tiger, which begins on February 1, 2022. There can be periods that seem calm and placid, but beneath that surface is a wild animal that may lash out violently at any time.

As you probably know, Oriental astrology is based on a cycle of 12 years, each of which is named after an animal. The order of the years in each cycle is: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit or Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat or Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The coming year is the third in the cycle that began in 2020.

The Year of the Rat (2020) was a troubling one with the onset of the Covid pandemic and a contentious presidential election in the United States. The Year of the Ox (2021) continued those same problems as certain Republicans pushed “the Big Lie” that the election had been marred by fraud and COVID-19 intensified through a number of variants. We could only hope that the Year of the Tiger would be better, but I’m not convinced that it will. I think we are in for another difficult year in a difficult cycle. Continue reading


Welcome to the Year of the Ox which begins on February 12, 2021 and lasts until January 31, 2022. The Ox is the second sign in the Oriental astrological cycle, which goes Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit or Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat or Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Therefore, we will be entering the second year of a cycle that began traumatically during the past Rat year.

In addition to the cycle of the 12 animal signs, the years are said to have affinities to the five elements – fire, earth, metal, water and wood, so that a complete cycle includes each of the animal signs with each element and lasts 60 years. This year will be the Year of the Metal Ox.

In this post we are going to look at what may be expected during the coming lunar year. This is not intended to be a psychic prediction or an astrological interpretation, rather it assumes that the cycles of the Oriental calendar are valid and that what is to come may be extrapolated from what has occurred in past Ox years. That takes a bit of analysis, so if you wish you can jump straight to the predictions by clicking here.

When I discussed the Year of the Rat last year, I pointed out that Rats do not have regular patterns like many of the other animals, so pretty much anything could happen – and it did. The Rat year gave us a global pandemic, raging wildfires, hurricanes, millions of people espousing conspiracy theories, an attack on the American Capitol and much more.

Last year’s discussion focused on the American presidential election and concluded that the stock market may be the best predictor for elections in Rat years. I said that if the S&P 500 average was above 3,470 on election day, President Trump would have a good chance to be reelected; if it was below 3,130, then there would probably be a new president. If the average was between the two, anything could happen. Well, during the year the average rose above 3,470 and it fell below 3,130. On election day it was between the two, so anything could happen – and it did. In the end, Mr. Trump was soundly defeated, but he refused to accept that fact.

Nevertheless, the election made Joe Biden the new president, and it is fitting to elect a new president in the first year of a new cycle of animal signs.

The Ox is often described as a hard working, grounded, loyal trustworthy animal and Ox years are seen as times of recovery and stability; times when justice and freedom are advanced through the processes of law and order. Looking to the past, though, it seems that those generalizations are only partly true.

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I am once again posting predictions for what may occur in the world during the upcoming year. Rather than claiming to be any more (or less) psychic than you are, I have assumed that the traditional cycles are valid, and have based the predictions on what has occurred in previous Pig years. You may review the history or jump directly to the predictions at the end of this post, after clicking the “continue reading” button. Continue reading


The new moon on January 27, 2017 (in the United States, which will be January 28th in many parts of the world) marks the beginning of a new year under the Oriental lunar calendar.  As you probably know, each year is symbolized by one of twelve animals and each of those animal years cycles through affinities to the five elements – fire, earth, metal, water and wood. This will be the Year of the Fire Rooster (or Fire Chicken, as it is called in Vietnam), which occurs every 60 years.

For the past several years, I have posted predictions for what may occur in the world during the upcoming year.  Rather than claiming to be any more (or less) psychic than you are, my approach has been to assume that the traditional cycles are valid.  Then, by looking at what occurred in previous Rooster years, we should be able to extrapolate forecasts for the coming year.  The posts of previous predictions are available for review, and most have been quite accurate.  If you would like to check what was prognosticated for 2016’s Year of the Monkey, you may do so by clicking here.

This year I am taking a slightly different approach and dividing the prognostications into two parts.  This first part is intended to be general, and look at matters in different areas of the world, which is pretty much the format I have used in the past.  The second part will focus on the political situation in the United States since it seems that will have a major influence on what occurs this year and for many years to come.

First, let me say that this Oriental system of astrology is not really intended to make detailed predictions based on years.  The system is actually much more complicated and there is an animal-element rulership of each hour and each month, in addition to that of the year.  When looking only at the year, as we are doing here, one can imagine a pervasive annual vibration that interacts with the vibration that each person acquired from the year of his or her birth.  When those two vibrations come together, the resulting wave forms may be considered positive, negative or neutral.  Still, they only set the underlying tone.  It is the actions of each person that ultimately lead to a good or bad result for the year. Continue reading


The new moon on January 27, 2017 (in the United States, which will be January 28th in many parts of the world) marks the beginning of a new year under the Oriental lunar calendar.  As you probably know, each year is symbolized by one of twelve animals and each of those animal years cycles through affinities to the five elements – fire, earth, metal, water and wood. This will be the Year of the Fire Rooster (or Fire Chicken, as it is called in Vietnam), which occurs every 60 years.

For the past several years, I have posted some predictions for what may occur in the world during the upcoming year.  Rather than claiming to be any more (or less) psychic than you are, my approach has been to assume that the traditional cycles are valid.  Then, by looking at what occurred in previous Rooster years, we should be able to extrapolate predictions for the coming year.  The posts of previous predictions are available for review, and most have been quite accurate.  If you would like to check what was prognosticated for 2016’s Year of the Monkey, you may do so by clicking here.

This year I am taking a slightly different approach and dividing the prognostications into two parts.  The first part was fairly general, and looked at matters in different parts of the world, which is pretty much the format I have used in previous years.  This second part will focus on the political situation in the United States since it seems that will have a major influence on what occurs this year and for many years to come. Continue reading