Wouldn’t it be great if this blog was written by a prize-winning poet?  Wouldn’t that give it a little bit of class, perhaps a sense of gravitas?

You bet it would.  So, I would like to say that Nobel laureate Bob Dylan will be writing several ….. Oh, never mind.  I would like to say that, but wouldn’t be true.  If Mr. Zimmerman won’t return the Nobel Committee’s phone calls, I don’t have much chance of talking with him.

I guess the only way a prize-winning poet is going to write something here is for me to go out and win a prize, myself.  How would I do that?

Well, there is a gentleman named Frank Kinslow, who is a chiropractor with extensive transcendental meditation training turned guru of sorts.  He has written half a dozen books, which have been translated into many languages, teaching what he initially called “Quantum Entrainment” or “QE”; which has now expanded into the “Kinslow System.”  This is not the time or place to try to explain that system.  Let us just say that he recognizes a state called “Pure Awareness,” which is likened to David Bohm’s concept of implicate order.  It is also similar to Tao and Advaita in that it is that from which both consciousness and matter arise.

Even though Pure Awareness is always and everywhere with us, most people do not know or recognize it.  Dr. Kinslow’s books teach that it is possible to become aware of Pure Awareness, and we can start in the space between our thoughts.  As a part of becoming aware, one experiences what Kinslow calls a “Eufeeling.”  That is a made-up word that combines the Greek prefix “eu-,” meaning well or good or pleasant, with the word “feeling.”  It is supposed to be the feeling that comes with the first glimmer of individual awareness of oneself as both separate and a part of a single unbounded field.  Dr. Kinslow wrote a whole book on Eufeeling, so I won’t try to explain it any further.

Anyway, a few months ago I received an email newsletter about the Kinslow System, which included an announcement of a contest seeking poems on the subject of Eufeeling.  I felt like writing a haiku that day, so I wrote a “Eufeeling Haiku.”  Whoever the judges were, they liked the poem enough to award it third place and I am to receive an autographed copy of Dr. Kinslow’s book on Eufeeling.  The winning poems are not yet on the Kinslow System website, but I will include a link when they are posted.

For now, let me share the poem with you:

Eufeeling Haiku

In silence, nothing.
Breathe, pause, feel — and nothing blooms:
a perfect flower.


May 9, 2013

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Dr. Baskaran Pillai has an interesting educational background.  He earned his Master’s degree in English Literature from Madurai University in Southern India.  He then came to the University of Pittsburgh to study Hinduism and earn a Ph.D. in Religious Studies.  Along the way, he developed a special relationship with the Hindu god Siva and began to call himself Sri Siva (“Sri” meaning “holy” and “Siva” meaning “Siva.”)

Wayne Dyer is a psychologist who has become the country’s best known self-help author and motivational speaker.  I once heard a recording by Dr. Dyer on which he talked about meeting Sri Siva, whom he said was a very holy man.  He said that he came into the room where Sri Siva was sitting and took a seat across from him.  Nothing was spoken between them for a considerable length of time until Sri Siva asked, “Do you have any questions?” and Dr. Dyer replied, “No, you have answered them all.”

Soon after I heard that recording, I learned that Sri Siva was giving a lecture in Boulder.  I thought it would be good to be in the presence of a very holy man, so I attended.  I also brought our children, Michael and Suzanne to let them experience the presence.  My wife Cathy had to work, but another friend – Kathy – wanted to attend and met us there.

After hearing Dr. Dyer’s talk, I wondered whether this was to be a darshan experience in which we would all sit silently until he asked if there were any questions.  In fact, it was just the opposite.  The lecture was a discussion of mantra and sacred sounds.

He primarily discussed the mantra “ara kara” which is supposed to aid in the manifestation of abundance.  Continue reading


March 24, 2013

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The Poetry Man

This is the beginning of my third week of writing something about my life each day.  I am remembering just how difficult is the work of turning thoughts into words.  Writing is an art and a craft.  It takes practice to build the skills necessary to say anything in such a way that a reader may garner useful information or some meaningful insight.  For several years, from my late teens until my early 30s, I tried to develop those skills.  I would usually have a notebook or a legal pad handy so I could write down thoughts, observations or interesting phrases as they came to me.  I was convinced that poetry is the most precise use of language, and would have aspired to become a poet if I had thought I could support myself that way. Continue reading